Sothink SWF Easy Portable, Cara Mudah Membuat Animasi Flash

Sothink SWF Easy dikenal sebagai pembuat Flash dan GIF animator. Menawarkan cara mudah untuk membuat Tombol Flash, Flash Banner, Album Foto Flash, Kartu Ucapan, Teks Animasi dan Presentasi Flash. Kaya dengan template dan resources built-in, penggemar Flash dan desainer situs web dapat membuat animasi Flash hanya dengan klik!

Dari berbagai resources built-in dapat menghemat waktu untuk membuat animasi Flash yang bagus. Banyaknya efek dan action script 2,0 dapat membantu membuat fungsi-fungsi yang bagus. Ini merupakan cara termudah dan tercepat untuk membuat sendiri Flash secara profesional.

* Able to create albums, navigation buttons, banners etc. easily through templates.
* Provides a large amount of resources like Shape, Button, Movie Clip, Greeting Card, etc.
* Provides dozens of editable built-in effects for applying to shapes, texts and images.
* Able to save and apply combined effect.
* Supports adding motion path to elements with WYSIWYG drawing tools.
* Supports Action Script 2.0 fully.
* Able to set uniform background corresponding to specified foreground scenes conveniently.
* Able to get external Shape, Image, Button, Sound, Movie Clip, etc. from SWF files.
* Supports importing existing vector graphics such as AI, SVG, WMF/EMF and .gls, .glb, .glm.
* Supports sound formats like MP3 and WAV and support stream sound.
* Supports importing the whole SWF files directly for complete use.
* Supports grouping elements in SWF file while importing and using the elements selectively.
* Supports importing video files.
* Supports applying external shapes, images, buttons, sounds and movie clips.
* Supports rich format text.
* Supports setting transparency for a specified color in a shape filled with a bitmap.
* Supports dragging elements up or down in Timeline to change Z-order.
* Supports locking/unlocking an element to avoid making unnecessary changes for it.
* Provides WYSIWYG design window and integrated preview.



Screen shoot

Sothink SWF Easy 6  banner-template

album-template  button-template

easy-screenshot  text-effect


Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

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